Ready to give your content marketing strategy for SEO a fresh new spin? Whether it’s a new year, a new season, or it just feels like time to pivot—any time is a great time to step up your SEO game. And you don’t have to be an SEO consultant or digital marketing expert to do this.

Let me walk you through three awesome (and easy) ways to jumpstart your content marketing. These tips are perfect for getting things rolling, no matter when you decide to start.

Take Stock of All the Content You Currently Have Out There

Are you using all the great blog posts and articles you’ve created?

get ideas form past content on what works well for your audience and re-work and repeatHave you identified any key gaps that need to be filled with some fresh ideas?

Get ideas from past content on what works well for your audience, and re-work and repeat!

Check-in with Your Target Audience

Ultimately, you need to ask yourself, are you delivering content your audience wants to see?

Take the time to do a little research on your social media target audience, or even just spend some time listening to your customers. Digging into their desires will help you to better understand what content they are hungry for and how you can deliver it in an

Remember, no matter how fantastic your blog post or social media content may be, it won’t serve its purpose if presented to the wrong people.

Set Measurable Goals

A group of people at a computer developing a content marketing strategy for seo

For data-driven nerds, this may be a no-brainer. But, for many small businesses, you’re pushing out content so fast that you might forget to set goals and measure them.

By strategically mapping milestones, you can gauge overall success or areas needing improvement along the way.

Whether it’s related to website traffic, engagement, or leads generated, setting clear goals at the start of your content calendar will help you stay on course and optimize content along the way.

Embrace Visual Content

Over 50% of marketing pros agree that visual content is critical to their marketing strategy. On top of that, according to Forbes, 91% of consumers prefer visual content to written content. Don’t just stick to writing articles and calling it a day. Mix up your content plan with short-form videos, podcasts, infographics, and other visual media. Diversifying your content types can boost engagement and appeal to different groups in your target audience.

Optimize for Mobile Users

Mobile-Ready Content Marketing for SEOWith the majority of people turning to their phones first to search the internet, make sure your content is mobile-friendly. This isn’t just about layout and design—it’s also about content format and load times. A mobile-optimized site can significantly improve your SEO rankings. A few ways you can ensure your site is mobile-ready are:

  • Responsive Design: Use web design elements that will automatically adjust your website to mobile browsers.
  • Compressed Images: Large graphics and videos on your website slow it down to a crawl. Compress your images to less than 100 KB for the best results from content marketing for SEO.
  • Simple Navigation: A cluttered menu can be frustrating on a small screen. Streamline your navigation menu to work well on mobile settings.
  • Avoid Flash: Many mobile devices don’t support Flash, which can limit your site’s accessibility.

Create A Clickable Content Marketing Strategy for SEO

It’s a new year, which means it’s full of new opportunities to engage your readers, roll out value, and hit the highest SEO rankings. Don’t stress about the woulda-couldas of the past. Instead, use these tips as a guide for kicking off the new year with a content marketing strategy for SEO that will get you seen, heard, and loved by the right people.

If you need help from an SEO strategist to boost your content strategy, let’s chat. We’ll work together to get you high-impact results that will be the talk of the town all year long.